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secured by default, not optional.

we don’t just support your business, we secure

your data from new and emerging threats

want to find out more? speak to us on 01603 980260

our commitment to security

As Cyber Security is ever changing, our job is keeping your business safe and secure.


All our customers are protected with multiple layers of security, just like an onion.


You can see what we include by default below.


you get everything.

We only have one package, which is jam packed full of tools and solutions to keep your business safe.


Which is always getting better, to protect you from new and emerging threats.


Meaning, everyone is fully protected - as standard.


Gone are the days of just installing anti-virus...

are you an IT manager? we can help you too.

device security.

managed anti-virus

your anti-virus keeps known threats and viruses taken care off, which we will maintain and manage for you.

advanced endpoint protection (EDR)

alongside anti-virus, we deploy EDR which will spot and protect your devices against new and emerging attacks.

user security.

security training

your staff are your best defence, therefore we train them to spot scams or being alert for targeted scams.

regular phishing simulations

we simulate phishing attacks to your staff, making sure they stay alert and don’t fall for phishing attempts.

secure password manager

most people use the same passwords which aren’t complex - so we provide everyone with a password manager.

microsoft 365.

monitoring and alerting

hackers are constantly targeting your Microsoft 365 accounts, we monitor all activity to check everything is normal.

managed backups

your data isn’t backed up by default, to protect your business from data loss we back it up multiple times a day.

baseline security

by default Microsoft 365 is not secure, to protect your business from threats we enable and configure several security policies.

detection and response (MDR)

alongside our monitoring, our 24/7 SOC team that is constantly reviewing logs and alerts and will put a stop to anything suspicious.

email protection

emails are the entry point for hackers and scammers, our advanced email protection helps identify and mitigate these threats.

domain management (DKIM, DMARC)

we help protect your domains from being used by scammers and hackers, as well as improve your email deliverability.

our numbers.

15 mins.

our average response,

from the last 7 days.

30 mins.

our average resolution,

from the last 7 days.


our average feedback,

from the last 7 days.

what our clients say

don't just take our word for it!

what our clients say

don't just take our word for it!

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